
We are compiling our favorite recipes here, moving them from our paper notebook to Google Drive so we can share the love. Some are our originals, but a lot comes from the web, in which case we have tried to link and/or give credit. Occasionally, we don’t know where it came from, so if you find it online, let me know.

cookbooks we love


flour water salt yeast: the fundamentals of artisan bread + pizza

ken forkish

The best book on baking bread I have found. Bread can be complicated, and it takes a lot of experimenting. One thing I love about Forkish is that he uses similar techniques and measurements for each recipe so that you can easily compare your trials, even with different loaves.


the bread baker’s apprentice

peter reinhart

I currently only use this book for the bagel recipe, but it has lots of bread options.

david tanis

a platter of figs

the heart of the artichoke

market cooking

one good dish

David Tanis is such a genius that he gets his own section. His recipes run the gamut from simple to complex. You will sometimes question the ingredients or technique, but he rarely disappoints. Definitely our go-to chef.


mexican everyday

rick bayless

We’ve made almost every recipe in this book, and his herby and luxurious take on guacamole is still my go-to.

the zuni cafe cookbook

judy rodgers

We accidentally stumbled upon Judy Rodgers iconic Zuni Cafe on our honeymoon. We just needed a bite for some energy before climbing the daunting Haight-Ashbury slope but scored one of the best meals of our lives. The menu was tiny, which is almost always a good sign. The Dandelion and Proscuitto Pizza and Eggs and Corn Hash were simple but delicious dishes that inspire our meals to this day. You’ll never make roast chicken another way after trying the Zuni recipe.